Monday, October 8, 2012

A Halloween Change

As I always say. . .
I guess there is still the child in me
But, I have to do a little 
Halloween Decorating
This time of year.
When my children were young
I decorated a lot more. . 
Now, I just do some simple things
Here are a few 
Halloween Decorations
These are my favorites.
You see the candelabra well,
That is put together with JUNK
You can read about it in a previous post HERE
 My little Ghosts make me laugh
They are full of mischief.  I just love them!
My little Witch Shoes are actually salt and pepper shakers.
Witchy, Witchy!
The Blue Buffet is decked out for Halloween. . 
I don't like scary things, I just like cutesier things!
The weather is changing, the nights are getting longer.
Time to snuggle into Home and enjoy the coming seasons.
How about you do you still decorate for Halloween?


  1. I don't do much "Halloween" decoration per se. I just add a couple of jack-o-lanterns. I'm not into the skeletons, spiders, and all that stuff. Don't even like crows and bats. Your decor is more like what I do.

  2. The witches shoes salt and pepper shakers are so adorable! Love your little home!

  3. SO CUTE! So much fun decorating for Halloween!


  4. Great Halloween decorations, and I love the witches shoes S&P! I just finished up for fall and don't know what I'll be adding for Halloween, maybe ravens? Very nice. Thanks for stopping by and liking my Autumn Porch!


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