Sunday, October 21, 2012

Candy Corn Basket

Hello sweet friends.
I had to show you what I made
For my Crochet Friends. .
 Fall-ish candy corn baskets.
 Nothing fancy Just a cute little crochet basket. .
Filled with candy corn!
Actually the vignette on my counter- top looked
So cute, I almost didn't want to give them away.
Ah, but I am making more of my little
Candy Corn Baskets.

How is your Autumn/Fall creations going?

I will be linking with these lovely blogs. .
Be sure to visit,


  1. How adorable! They turned out wonderful. (:

  2. Hi Karie! Oh, these little baskets are just darling! I love to crochet too and am working on an afghan now! ;) Thank you for the sweet compliments on my little hutch.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. That looks DELICIOUS!!!! Wow, some creative cookie! :D


  4. Kari I'm so glad I found your blog. I love these little baskets. Adorable and how fun. Then your blue hutch/china cabinet is just gorgeous. I can see your like me and love blue & I love to knit & crochet also. :-) Won't you come by and share at Totally Transformed? I know my readers would love to see.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.