Thursday, September 27, 2012

A New Camera

Well, I am one happy gal today. . 
I received my new camera in the mail
Canon Rebel
 With all the bells and whistles!
Now mind you I am not a photographer
 I want to take nice photos not only for my blog
But, for Me to enjoy.
I have always loved taking pictures. . .
By no means do I know what I am doing.
Just following tips I have received along the way.
I am hope this beautiful Canon camera
Will help improve my photo taking.
I have no idea how to use it.
 But I will soon learn.
Oh, My Gosh! I am so excited.
Tomorrow I will be taking pictures
With my very own new Canon.
Check back later. . .. I hope you can tell the difference
In my photos.
Hugs,  K


  1. I have a Canon Rebel and love it! Have fun with your new little friend. Can't wait to see lots of new pics! Hugs.

  2. can't wait to see if there's really a difference! and please post any tips or tricks...i don't have one yet, but i feel like the time is coming! congrats to you!

  3. That sounds fantastic! You'll have so so so many fun experiences and pictures to share! :)



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