Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Garden In August

Well, I am a few days late in greeting 
With a grand Hello.
None the less she is welcome as could be.
Beautiful August!
It is a good thing I took these picture of my
flowers yesterday, because today
the wind is blowing and the rain clouds are
rolling across the sky.
I am happy as could be at how well the little plot of a garden is growing.
My oh My!
The Zinnias as beautiful.
And the sunflowers are growing so tall
They will soon be blooming.
Just look at how pretty the color is!
It is even prettier in it's natural place.
The potted plants are looking good on the back porch.
I will bring them in when it gets cold so I can continue to
enjoy them. 
I even did a little changing on the front porch.
I spruced it up for late summer
until I September comes
then I will change it to Fall-ish.
I spray painted a few little glass bottles
to put in the wall basket.
I sure am glad I found that cute little
metal wall hanging at Hobby Lobby's last year.
I have fun putting different things in it according to the season.
(Just another thing to fuss with)!
Oh, what pretties!
I am enjoying these little pretties in the late summer of August.
But, I have my eye on the catalogs for next spring.
You have to keep ahead of the season, and think of what will come next.
But, for now I will enjoy 
and my little plot of flowers.
How does your garden grown?

She who loves a garden
likes to make the earth more lovely
and enjoys the beauty she's contributing.
(Mary Engelbreit)

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  1. My plants on the screened porch have grown so big. The petunias, are withering away now. My indoor plants are looking great, and the ferns on the front porch are huge! I love your porch decor. So lively and vibrant!! Your zinnias are just beautiful! Sweet garden!

  2. Your garden is very pretty and the Zinnia's look so good. I am afraid that my garden look terrible and I am so disappointed in it. With the drought there is nothing I can do but save all the grey water I can and water my flowers in the pots. As they die I am not replacing them until we get the much needed rain we need.
    Like all the pretty colors you have on your porch.
    Hope all is well with you and your little doggies.
    I just celebrated my 80th Birthday and had great celebrations.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Karie, I love Zinnias! I planted some from seed and they are doing nicely. Love your gorgeous blooms! The painted bottles is such a clever way to add color. Happy August to you! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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