Thursday, August 20, 2015

Changing Things

Well hello, my good friends.
Do you ever need just a little change?
Well, I do. . I like to change things around.
But, the funny thing is in life, I don't like change!
I am one of those people who can't handle my life
situation to change.  
But, in my home, I like to change things.
Nothing big, just little things.
This little yellow book case has been in my sewing/craft room.
Last year I painted it yellow and I loved it in my creative space.
But. . . I didn't get to really enjoy it.
The shelves were used for boxes and small baskets of "stuff".
I wanted to look at it. . and I wanted a place to put my little
treasures. My knick nacks. My little pretties.
So I made a change.
I moved the book case into my living room.
That way I can decorate and enjoy seeing all my
little treasures.
I have to admit I am having a little bit of a hard time
adjusting to the yellow in my living room.
I am going to leave it the way it is. . and in a few weeks
if it still is not just right for my tastes, I will paint the book case.
Isn't paint wonderful.  If you are tired of a color, or it
just isn't right for you. . you just bring out the paint.
I like the idea of having space to showcase all my pretty things.
I feel that if you have pretty things, you should show case them.
Enjoy them.  I don't like having the things I love in
cupboards or closets.
Oh, I realize I can't have everything out. . but at least now
I can change the shelves on the book case and showcase
so many more of my little pretty treasures.
I will play with it for a while and see how it works for me.
Who knows, I may put it some where else in my house.
Life is about change. Nothing stays the same.
(boy isn't that the truth.)
Have a wonderful time with the remaining days of August.

1 comment:

  1. I am just like you - I need to change things around. So I go hunting for things in the garage and house to change it up a little. I am now thinking about Fall and will probably start next week. Although, it is going to be HOT next week. Like the bookcase in the living room showing off your pretties.
    Have a great weekend Karie.
    Hugs my friend,


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