Saturday, June 14, 2014


Sunday is Father's Day
The day we celebrate our Fathers
My Father-Dad as I like to call him
Was my only parent for 40 years of my life.
My wonderful Dad was left a widow when my 
Mother died, leaving him two small children to raise and love.
Not only did he lose my Mom, but his also lost the use of his legs.
They were in a terrible automobile accident my Mom was killed,
And my Dad's spinal cord was severed.  He was 28 years old
And he lived the next 40 years in a wheel-chair.
I can not adequately express in words what he meant to me.
He was more than my Hero. . He was my Dad.
He was kind, gentle, and a man of integrity.
He loved his family, and his friends. . .He was a great example to
Not only me, and my brother, but to everyone he came in contact with.
I was his Princess, and his sweetheart. . I knew it.  Always.
He treated me with gentleness and kindness, even when I needed to be reproved.
Billy Graham has said, "A good Father is one of the most unsung, un-praised, 
unnoticed and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.."
I believe this to be true.  Which makes my Dad even more cherished and loved,
Because he was such a good Dad.  He was a treasure. . .
My Dad died 18 years ago.  I have missed him so much over the years.
The older I get the more I think of him.  I think of the great legacy he left me.
I think of his wisdom, his counsel, his smile, he strength, and most of all
His Love. . I knew my Dad loved me.  His last words to me was how 
Proud he was of me. And that  he loved me forever.
I know my Dad lives on and that someday in the eternities we will be 
Together again.  He walks today in the courts of Heaven.
The greatest gift I ever had, God gave to me. . I call him Dad.

Happy Father's Day.



  1. Such a loving post and beautiful tribute to your dad.

  2. Karie, your father was a wonderful man and I can see how much he loved you and your brother. You have so many wonderful memories of him.
    God bless you dear friend.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.