Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Do you ever go to Pinterest and just 
I do.
(sigh). . .so many things I want to do
But, alas, so little time.
Come along with me and
 I would love to dream in this bed.
 I love the simplicity of this crochet pillow
 Everything here is something I would love
 Pumpkins under cloche's
 Is she not adorable. . I may have to try making her.
Ah Pink Pyrex. . .hmmm, love, love
 Cute, cute, and so simple to make
Wow! I love this!
Always a beautiful quote to end.
Or is it the beginning?
As I am dreaming. . I will find Joy in My Journey.
Be sure to come back for more 
Hugs, K


  1. I am so glad we are following each other so we don't miss anything, loved seeing all the Pinterest things, I am on Pinterest and you can follow me there too..You are right, I love to go there and dream too..I also like to see the stuff I love and copying it as much as I can, kind of recreating it in my own way...fun huh..sometimes I just dream too...Phyllis

  2. It is amazing what is out there on Pinterest. Lots of things to let our imaginations soar.

    - The Tablescaper


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.