Monday, January 14, 2013

No Place Like HOME

Well, I hope all of you that are living in the
Deep Freeze are staying Warm!
I am right in the heart of the Freeze. . 
Utah is in the low teens for the high
And the minus for the low.
It is COLD!
I am so thankful for the things that keep me warm. .
No matter where you go or what you are experiencing 
There Is No Place Like 
I have been under the weather for the past week
And when I don't feel good, I just want to be
 The shelf in the living room has a new look.
 A couple of my glass electrical insulator are nestled in the berry branch
 If you know my Family, you would know 
This Subway sign fits us perfect
When I saw the word
LOUD, I knew it was for my family!
 The coziness of the room is comforting to me.
Isn't it amazing how the sun can shine
But it is so cold outside, you don't feel it's warmth?
One of my favorite time of day is
When the sun shines through the blinds and makes
The shadow on the wall.
Do you have a time of day when the sun comes
Through your windows and makes the room 
Bright and yet cozy?

Snuggle in for a long winter. . and be sure to
Come on back. . . K

I am linking with. . .


  1. Oh I love it and I love the Home letters. So pretty and such a great vignette. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. Hey Karie,
    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Get better quickly! Your room looks so cozy. I like your wall decor. That is a pretty shade of blue. Putting the picture inside the blue frame is a great idea. I do get sunlight in a room and it cozies it up so much. In the early mornings, my sun room is so warm and bright with the sunshine streaming in. It makes it feel so comforting! Enjoy the rest of the week, and again, get better!!

  3. I love the word H O M E for a mantel. And I particularly like your letters.

  4. That is soooo pretty! LOVE insulators like he one you have! :)



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