Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do Fences Make Good Neighbors?

I like the poem by
Robert Frost
Mending Wall
In the beautiful prose of Robert Frost
He asks the question. . .
Why do fences make good neighbors?

We make our fences in many different ways...
Some are natural fences and some we make ourselves.
Just what are we fencing in or what are we fencing out?

Are fences just another out-door game?
Artistic use of our energy?

Do the fences we build serve a purpose?
Are they there for safety and protection?
 Most often we build fences that entrap ourselves.
Whenever I had damaged a relationship or friendship
My Daddy would say
"Go Mend Your Fences. . ."

Some of my fences I was able to mend
Sadly some were never mended. .
Do Fences Make Good Neighbors?

Have a wonderful day. .
And do come back again. . .K


  1. I have also heard that fences make the best neighbors..guess that has some truth to it. All the pictures are both beautiful and interesting..

  2. Great post and a good reminder to check within an see if there are some fences we have built that need to come down.

    bee blessed


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