Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blue & White Doily Pillow

Oh dear, I have become that very person
my kids have been afraid I would become. . .
WHO IS THAT you ask?
Well, I picked up something that was so gross
and dirty and ugly
I picked it up with two fingers!
I am the person who finds things no one wants
in all kinds of places. . . . . .
So here is my story
and my blue and white blue doily's story
You see this beautiful doily. . . . well I found it
laying at the side of the re-cycle bin.
What it was doing there I have no idea. . . .
It was gross! Really gross!
So gross I didn't dare take pictures of it
because I didn't think I could make it pretty and clean.
I was embarassed!
I actually thought I wouldn't pick it up
but then
I knew that someone lovingly crocheted this beautiful piece of thread
and someone else didn't appreciate the work that went into it.
I am a Crocheter. (and a rescurer)
How could I leave it laying there, all tattered and torn and gross?So I brought it to my HOME
and I rinsed all the grime and dirt off of it
I soaked it for a few hours in OXY CLEAN
(wonderful stuff)
Then I rinsed and soaked it all night in OXY CLEAN
I then washed it in soap and water
and gently stretched it out on a towel to dry
And the doily returned to it's beautiful self
It has a few scares, but it gives it character and shows it is a survivor!

I made an envelope pillow out of "old fashioned" calico print
Then hand stitched the doily to the front of the pillow.
This is what I now have!
A beautiful pillow for my bed

I am so glad I was the one to rescue the
tattered, worn, dirty and gross doily
( I know I talk about my rescues as though they had a soul)
(Hmmmmm maybe they do!)

She matches my blue bedroom perfectly.
Just like she was meant to be there


  1. Karie thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    I know it's gross...but I love that you rescued this beauty!! It makes my heart sad when something goes to the landfill when it could have been saved.

  2. Well it looks great now, that's for sure!!
    Thanks for suuuch a nice comment on my blog today. :)

  3. Great bedroom, Karie! LOVE LOVE LOVE all that blue! (I've had a blue room since I was two - and wouldn't have it any other way). You did a great job with those pillows!

  4. way to go! now THAT is upcycling for you. great story with a beautiful ending! i love it!

  5. What a beautiful find!! It looks so pretty as a cushion cover...!!

  6. Thanks for rescuing her. It made a great pillow.

  7. If only the discarder could see it now.
    I am trying to curb my "rescue" tendencies, but they are strong. You show how worth it those motives are.

  8. I've soaked lots of old doileys in oxy-clean, it is wonderful stuff!

  9. What a beautiful story. Hurray for you!

  10. Wow! Reminds me of a certain LDS video where the ??italian?? guy finds the BOM in a trash can but it hasn't got front cover or title page so he doesn't know what it is but he takes it home and cleans it up, and reads it. You had faith in your doily that it was once and could again be beautiful... and it came to pass (sorry, that was our joke in seminary... there were so many 'and it came to pass' es that it was our catch phrase for that year.... but that was like 20 years ago now and I'm no longer in the church!)

    Happy Hooking! Lovely pillow!!


  11. You gave me inspriation to do something with all those doilies that I received from my aunts who have passed on. Thanks. And I think they all have souls. We put them in while we crochet.
    Hugz, D'Ann

  12. Thank you so much for visiting my blog artoftheletter.blogspot.com, and for leaving such a nice comment. It made my day. Karie, I am really happy to see this post about the doily you resuced. It is so pretty. I can't imagine someone wanting to just give it up. I have an affinity for doilies myself and love to soak them in Oxy Clean, too. I love to think about the lady that counted her stitches to make such a pretty thing for me to hold. I'll be happy to visit you in the future. Thanks again for the lovely comment.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.