Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Welcome To May

May Days
Spring Days
Mother's Day
Graduation Day
Last Day of School
Memorial Day

The tulips are gorgeous in my son's yard

Every year I say I am going to plant tulip bulbs in 
the fall so I have beautiful Spring Tulips. . .
But. . . I forget to do it.

I love tulips. . . well, there are very few flowers I don't love.
Seriously, what would we do without flowers in our
yards, and our parks, and in our fields, and in
our homes, and Everywhere!

May is the month for school to be out for the summer break.
Last days of college, until fall time. . .saying good bye
to friends you have spent many days and nights with
Living away from home for the first time.
Eventually, you love it, and when it is time to say
good-bye to roommates and new friends,
it is almost as hard as it was to say hello!

 May is the time for high school and college graduation. . 
Long days and nights of studying, school activities 
and all the fun and drama of young adulthood soon
comes to and end. . . 

It is onward and upward.
A new door has opened and new
adventures and experiences await.

I hope I can get somethings done in
my tiny little yard this week-end.
It is rainy here in my little spot of earth.
So if it is raining, I will have to do
other things that need to be done in my house.
Ya, housework waits for no one.

Have a Beautiful day!

1 comment:

  1. Karie,
    It has been raining here too....The tulips are beautiful!! I am itching to plant my annuals but it is still a bit too early here because of the potential for the threat of frost....


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