Monday, April 20, 2015

Tiered Centerpiece Arrangement

Hello dear friends,
Hope you are all doing well,
And enjoying some Spring time weather.
It is gorgeous where I live.
The snow capped mountains with the
Crystal clear blue sky is magnificent
To look at.
In the spring my heart turns to working in my yard,
But this year I have allergies so bad. . .
And today is one of those days, I have to be inside.
But, I want to be outside.
Oh, well. . such is life, the tiny yard will wait for me.
I love blogging for so many reasons.
Friendships is number one. . .But something
else goes on in Blogland. . .the newest and latest trends
for my home are out there. . .I like ideas.
The latest craze I have noticed is
Tiered arrangements. . .using all kinds of things.
Who would have thought that  tiered
galvanized pans would be so popular?
Well I just had to do something like this.
So I used my beautiful Tiered Cake Plates that
my friend Sue gave to me as a gift.
I most certainly went to Pinterest for ideas on what I wanted
Oh, do I ever love Pinterest!
I really like it on my coffee table.  And of course my
doily adds to my visual appeal.  I used some
smaller doilies in the arrangement.
The two bottom plates. 
And the top tier.  I didn't know what to do with the top one
so I made a little next for the little blue bird.
I think it is a pretty little next to top off the arrangement.
My little tired arrangement can be seen from all sides.
So I had to decorate all the way around.
My cute faux flowers, a candle, a bird, and a ceramic rose.
Plus a doily on two of the tiers.
So there you have it. . .my three tiered cake stand.
Turned into a sweet spring arrangement.
After take the Easter things to storage.
I thought, "What am I going to do now."
 Blogland and Pinterest gave me the inspiration I needed.
I would still like to make a galvanized one.
But that project is way down on my list of
Things to do and Things I can afford.
Do ya know what I mean?

Hope your day is great.
May you always have the sunshine in your life.
Live in The Light!

Joining these parties:


  1. You are so talented Karie. It looks really good and complements your coffee table.
    Yes, we really need rain. Hopefully we will get some this week
    Have a fun filled week.


  2. Fun Ideas. It was fun to read your profile. I'm a relocated Utah native. My mom and siblings still live there. Visit me and my girls Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hi Karie, so glad to have you linking up to SYC again. Funny thing, I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping all was well. It has been gorgeous here. So sorry that you have allergies! Love how you decorated your tiered plates. I have one and haven't pulled it out since Christmas. I went ot Sam's a couple weeks ago to buy the oval galvanized one they had, but they were all gone. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.