Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Front Porch Tour

I love porches. . .especially a front porch.

I have so many memories sitting on the front porch of my homes.
I had large front porches. . .until now.
My front porch is about as big as a postage stamp.
Just like my back yard. . 
Oh, well, I still decorate it and I still like sitting on it.
(I will show you my front porch in a few days)
Here is some inspiration I found on a few
Blogs and web-sites I like to visit.
I hope you enjoy the tour of
The Front Porch

Little Bit of Paint changes this with the season.
So adorable. . be sure to visit her blog.
Another Little Bit of Paint 
Love that chippy ladder!

Is one of favorite blogs.
I have followed her for a long, time.
She has the cutest house.
Be sure to check her out.
Just look how she changed the look of an ordinary rambler house
I tell ya, you should see the inside.
Wow! I feel so inadequate with my decorating. . 
I don't know if I want to show you my meager little front porch or not.
Ah, but I will. . .Be sure to come back. . 
Cause I will show my attempt to have a "cute" postage stamp front porch.

Hugs to All. . . 


  1. I'm sure your porch is very nice and looking forward to seeing it. i have a small front porch also, but I do love to decorate it with seasonal items. Yes, your right about Kris, she is one talented lady.
    Have a lovely week.

  2. Sweet porches. I look forward to seeing yours.

    I have a front one, but I keep it low key. It's too dusty and hot for pumpkins.

  3. Love the porch with the chippy ladder! It's adorable!


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