Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Nest Is Best

Now that it is getting cold outside
And the Winter Snow and Wind are here
I like to be HOME
Oh, I am just an old homebody!
There really is no place like home!
I like decorating for
November. .
I love the colors of Autumn
Orange, Golden Yellow, Brown
All the warm cozy colors.
When my children were young, I read them
A sweet little book called
"The Best Nest"
By P.D. Eastman
It is about a little bird who doesn't like her nest. .
She thinks other nests are better
She searches and searches for the best nest. .
Soon she finds--- her nest is the best!
Once she finds out how much she loves her nest
She sings a happy little song. . .
"I love my home
I love my nest
In all the world
My nest is best!"
That is how I am feeling right now
In all the world My Nest is Best!
How about you. . .is your nest the best. . .
Stay warm and enjoy the warmth of HOME

I will be linking with


  1. You are so right girlie! Your nest is best! What a cute little post, and so filled with inspiration! :)


  2. Just got in from raking the leaves around my "nest" and I read your lovely post with all your pretty November decorations. This time of year is so pretty and like you, I love my nest and I am most content and at peace when I am home. I'm a real homebody!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.