Saturday, November 12, 2011

Girl's Night of Crafting

I am so thankful for the
Daughters and Granddaughters I have
And very thankful they like to do
Crafts with me!
Friday night it was cold and stormy.
But, we were all together in
Melanie's house doing our favorite thing
Eating, talking, laughing, and crafting!
It was Girls Night Out for the Jackson Girls!
 We all painted wooden things.
 We get the cutest cut wooden letter and crafts
From The Wood Connection in Salt Lake City
 We just had so much fun. . .
Even the littlest girls, 5 and 7 have projects they paint.
I have some talented granddaughters. .
 I am so grateful for the Love, and Companionship
Me and my Daughter, Daughter-in-Law's
And Granddaughters have. . .
 Oh, those granddaughters are little beauties in my opinion
 A wonderful evening crafting, eating and
Lots of Laughing!
Even my little Zoey joined us. .
She just stayed close to her "Mommy"
She doesn't wander very far from me. . .
I will show you what I painted and completed
In a day or two. . .
Be sure to come back. . . K


  1. Hi Karie! Oh, what a fun time you gals must have! You're very blessed to have so many sweeties so close to you and can get together and have such fun!
    Oh, I'm so happy you're going to make the little pony. Mine's a little on the skinny side. I was afraid I was going to run out of the yarn, so I tightened up! ;) Make sure you post about it if you make the pony so I can see it!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  2. What better thing to do on a stormy night..I love it..being with family in a warm and loving home..cant get any better..

  3. You girls sure know how to have fun! Look at those creations! xox

  4. now doesn't that look like a fabulous time! what a great night for you all.


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