Sunday, October 23, 2011

Project Fail Rectified

How can I give up as a DIY-er Wannabe?
Well, I couldn't give up. .
I posted earlier about my
Project Failure
And I just couldn't discard it.
So back to the idea board I went
And this is what I come up with

The Silver Beast

 I painted the inside of the cabinet with
Martha Stewart--Chinchilla
I also used Martha Stewart- Opal
(I love Martha Stewart Paint)
 But, to set it off and look unique
I painted the trim and the drawers
Martha Stewart's Metallic Silver.
Love it, and it gives the piece a finishing touch
 I love how the drawers look. . .
I tell you, Martha has some beautiful new paint. .
Home Depot carries a whole new line of her
Metallic and Textured Paint
 I really am pleased with how it turned out
When the project failed, I was heartbroken. . .
It may not be how I "really" wanted it,
But, I like it and it looks good in my living room
My blogging friend Kaisa suggested I hang the doors. .
Now that is a good idea.
I am going to have my son-in-law help me
Come up with a way I can hang the doors when
The television is not in use.
So what do you think, did I rectify the failure?

Come Back Soon . . .K
I will be linking with the following parties. .
Be sure to visit. .


  1. Fabulous post! Great job. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  2. I know how you feel about your tv. My brother can't understand why I haven't joined the modern ages and gotten a HD flatscreen yet, but my old tv works fine, so I can't justify buying a new one. The only reason I kept the amoire I have is because I HAD to hide that ugly tv and was too cheap to pay for a prettier cabinet.

    Looks like you made lemonade out of lemons. The metallic look blends in very well with your tv, and you should be proud of coming up with a workable solution.

  3. I think it is excellent! Can't wait to see what you come up with for doors. I wanted to let you know that I've passed the Versatile Blogger Award to you. Here's the link to my blog post about it:
    Take care.


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