Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween and Fall Decorations Finally

Ok, one week before
And I finally have a few decorations out.
I do it just for the Grandkids. .
(Oh, what I don't do for them!)
Nothing fancy this year
Grandma is getting tired of putting up and taking down!
Do you know what I mean?
Of course those comical little ghosts have to be on
Display for Halloween Festivities. . .
I get such a kick out of them. . aren't I silly?
The little haunted house in the background
I found at the thrift store (DI) last year. .
I don't like scary things I only decorate in cute!
 The Blue Shelf is ready for Fall and Halloween
 Harvest plates. . . witches shoes, and a few pumpkins
And of course my little October Precious Moments.
My "old" Ghost I have had for over 40 years
Sits front and center on the coffee table
With a few other Fall decorations.. .
The little Candy Corn Baskets I have been
Crocheting are also displayed. . .
Well, this will do for now.
I have a few other things to show you
But, I will wait til tomorrow. .
I hope you have your Halloween decorations all out.
Like I always say,
"What goes Up must come Down!

I am going to be linking to these
Fabulous Blogs.
Be sure to visit them. . .you won't be disappointed.


  1. I am the same way...just do a little bit for the grands. Now, Christmas decorating is a whole 'nuther story...I LOVE decorating for Christmas.

    Your decos are really cute....:)

  2. It is getting to be a chore to put up and take down. I always swore I would never be one of those old people that didn't decorate for anything, but I am fast seeing their point of view! lol!! Like the candy corn baskets!

  3. Your halloween decor is so cute. I am with you, I don't really like scare, and your is just cute. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. So adorable Karie
    the candy corn baskets are too cute

  5. Wonderful! Yes, and now I need to get mine down! LOL Thank you for linking it to Home Sweet Home!


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