Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September Oh, How I Love You!

My oh, My! Where does the time go?
I am wondering how SEPTEMBER slipped in without me knowing.
I love September. . .
I love her weather. . .Not too cold, Not too hot. . .Just right!
I love her Sky, her Moon, her Stars. . .
I love the September Rays of Sunshine 
As they shine through the windows of my home.
I love the feeling in the air. . .the hint of crispness.
I love the display of Mother Nature as she begins her
Autumn Color Symphony. .
Ah, September I welcome you with open arms. . 
I spent my last weekend of Summer
In my Motherland.
The big Labor Day Celebration
And one of my favorite things is my 
Grandma's side of the family reunion
We have been having this reunion since 1967
And I love it.
I like just sitting and visiting with my Aunts and Uncles, and my Cousins.
Families are so precious. . we have lost many family members since 1967
But they are never forgotten. . .I am so thankful to know I will see them again.
Families Are Forever!
Families are precious. . they are never to be taken for granted.
I am blessed to belong to this beautiful family and to share their love.
It was a beautiful day. . at Salem Pond. . .just sitting and enjoying.
Of course lots of food was enjoyed.
Now, it is on to embrace September. . 
I have a few things to show you. . 
Be sure to come back.
A lot of projects have been going on in my craft room.
See you shortly,

1 comment:

  1. Karie, sounds like you had a wonderful time at your reunion. Isn't so nice to see all your relatives and catch up. We used to have one, but my cousin who was the leader died and no one has picked it up. Plus it's so hard to travel all the way to Virginia and expensive.
    Have a great rest of the week.


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.