Friday, January 25, 2019

January Ramblings

Well, hello!
I hope you are all doing well.
I have a few January ramblings.
Just me, and my life, and the
way I see things.

Isn't January lovely?
It has it's own unique beauty and feel.
I am one of the few who really likes this
month of JANUARY.

Well why wouldn't I?
I celebrate the whole month.
I have my brother's birthday
I have my son's birthday
I have 2 grandson's birthdays
I have a granddaughter who has a birthday also
And I celebrate my BIRTHDAY!

Yes, I like birthdays. . . I like growing older.
I know too many people who never grew old.
I am thankful the good Lord blesses me with life.

After all the totes are put away from Christmas
A little January decorating takes place.
Although it is about time to bring out a few
Valentine decorations.

I changed the grouping a little. 

My daughter and family gave me this
beautiful picture of the Savior
Jesus Christ.
The frames in the grouping are all white or cream
So I needed to balance the grouping when I
added the darker frame picture of Jesus.
No worries!!

I already had a picture with a dark frame of
The Salt Lake Temple.
It went perfect on the opposite side of the
grouping.  I like it.

Sometimes I wonder about all this changing and fussing.
Does anyone care but me?
Well, who knows, but I care
And I am important.

As long as I keep having those January birthdays
I will be changing and fussing about my house.

I live in a small condo, and I am happy.
I want to have an inviting cozy feeling,
So others can feel welcome and at peace.

I wanted the picture of the Savior
for me to enjoy, to remind me of
His constant presence in my life.  And to
let those who enter my home know that
He, Jesus Christ is at the center of my life.
He is at the center of my home.

Now I know that a picture does not give the peace
His peace comes from Him as we
live our lives the best we can to honor and love Him.

I hope you have the most enjoyable
 days with abounding kindness and peace.


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