Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sun Bonnet Sue

Hello Dear Friends,
Where oh, where is the time going?
It is JUNE!
I don't know where May went to.
She slipped away before I realized it was time.

I just love Sun Bonnet Sue
I have had these kitchen towels for quite sometime.
They were ready to be stitched.
I found the towels at JoAnn's. 
 I love the red trim on the edges.
Perfect for some Red Work.
These are the Homemaking Chores we do each week.
Wash Day.  
Remember when we would hand our laundry out on the 
clothes lines.  I love to dry my laundry on clothes lines.
I don't have lines where I live now.  
But my home on Upland had clothes lines. 
 I loved the smell and the feel of bed sheets, and towels
and even my clothes that have been dried outdoors.
Cleaning Day.
The day when we give the house a good cleaning.
Vacuum, dust, mop floors, clean windows.  Make sure to have
Clean sheets on the beds.  And bathrooms have to be spotless.
I like cleaning day.  
I believe it is a great honor to keep my home and my
surroundings in clean order.  
I think at some point in our society many people
did not learn to take care of their homes.  It saddens me
to see cluttered, messy homes.  
And yards that are not well tended.
I am thankful I was taught to take care of my home.  
Homemaking is an Art
Market Day.
The day I do my grocery shopping.
I try to do my errands around town on the same day I
grocery shop. 
My very favorite day of the week.
A day to rest from our labors.
I love to worship God, and to sing the church hymns.
Studying my scriptures, and learning of my Savior is such
a reverent sacred time for me.
Prayers, partaking of the Sacrament, all of these things 
make me happy on Sunday.
Isn't Sun Bonnet Sue a sweet little lady.
She has always been one of my favorites.
I usually just use these towels for decoration.
I enjoy doing embroidery work.  
And a lot of work goes into
making these beautiful towels.
Now I am doing a counted cross stitch. . 
I can't wait to show it to you.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my Sun Bonnet Sue
Please do come back again.
Remember to enjoy the Art of Homemaking.
We should all be joyfully engaged in making 
our little part of the world a beautiful place.  
Our homes should be a place of happiness,
cleanliness, and friendship to all that enter.


  1. I love to keep my home in order! I agree that it is a blessing and a delight. I once had a friend tell me she didn'tcare about what people think regarding her messy house. I told her, I don't keep a tidy home for other people, but rather for me. It brings me peace. Love this post!

  2. Sue, you keep a beautiful home. You are truly a homemaker. And you are right a clean home brings peace and harmony. I am glad you commented and I am glad you like the post. Have a wonderful day. I miss you my friend. Hugs,

  3. I have a vintage runner with this design on it and I love it. I too, enjoy keeping a clean and pretty home. It may not look so pretty to people with different tastes, but it does to me, and that is who I'm trying to please at this stage of my life. Lovely post.

  4. Love those tea towels. I can remember when my Aunt had these. There were certain days that you did certain chores on the exact day each week. Love a clean organized home.
    Have a wonderful weekend Karie.


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