Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August Table Top Vignette

Well hello my friends.
My goodness where is the time going?
It is  August.
What is the deal? How much faster can time go?
Oh, boy, summer for me will soon be over.
In fact I hate to say this but. . . I feel a change in the air. . (Shh!)
We have had lots of summer rain storms.
The temperature is cooler than normal.
So maybe that is why I "feel it".  
With that being said I put together a little
August Table Top Vignette.
Love the orange-ish, brown-ish, yellow-ish colors
Still full of summer, but with a hint of changing season.
I really never know about "vignette's" until I started blogging.
My friend Marty at A Stroll Thru Life is a vignette master.
She puts together the prettiest vignette.
And so do a lot of other blogger. . .love to see them.
The tablecloth I used is one I sewed a long time ago.
I love it because it is reversible.
One site is the cute farm look.
Apples, birdhouses, sunshine, and farm animals.
The other side is more of a late summer look.
Sunflowers, bee skelps, and birdhouses.
I really enjoy my little dinette area.
My condo is small and I don't have a dining room,
But I have what I call a dinette. . .and I love it.
I like to decorate in it.  The big sliding door opens onto my
Tiny backyard and patio.  Just right for me.
I have been busy sewing.  My mood changes from one craft to another.
This week it is sewing.  I will show you what I have been working on late.
And speaking of sewing and crafts. . .to my amazement and surprise
My little craft/sewing room was featured at
I am very honored any time something I show on my blog that
I have created is picked up by another blogger and featured.
Wow! I am just little ole' Karie my blog is nothing compared to 
So many other blogs.
Now that the craft room is organized and refreshed, my creative
Mind is also refreshed and I am in the mood to create.
I hope you are having a creative moment. . .
Please do come back again.
I am partying at these great blogs


  1. Love the colors on your table in your dining area...very pretty :)

  2. Congrats on your feature, Karie! Your craft room is adorable ~ so colorful and fun. I think there is room for all of us in blogland, no matter how big or small, we all have something to contribute, right?

  3. Love your dinette and your craft room. Looks wonderful, and so organized. I like your reversible tablecloth, too. How nice! Hope you are well. Blessings, Kathy

  4. Your dinette looks so good by the slider - so much light coming in. Your craft room looks so good and organized. Yes, when everything is in order things go so much better, don't you think.
    Your vignette on your table looks wonderful. I will be so glad when fall gets here.
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.

  5. Your dinette looks lovely all dressed for fall! The table cloth and table vignette is so inviting. The little wall shelf is so sweet, must be so fun to decorate.

  6. Karie, Your vignette is perfect! It certainly has had a hint of Fall lately. Loving the rain and cooler temps, but not ready for summer to be over. Your tablecloth is so cute and I love that it is reversible! Did you find any treasures at Fleattitude? I didn't think I was going to be able to go. I had a shower I had to attend. But at noon I had enough time to run by quickly. Looked for you, but didn't see anyone that I thought might be you. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
    p.s. Your creative space is darling!


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