Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Sweethearts of Yesterday

Me and My High School Girl Friends are unique
to say the least . . .we are Unique
Many of us have been friends since babyhood!
Ya, really. . and we still stay in touch.
It has been almost 50 years since we were in 
High School.  And we are still very bonded to one another.
Every once in awhile we get together for lunch
And catch up on our life happenings.
We did just that this week.
We met in Salt Lake City and had a wonderful
day of lunch and shopping and browsing at
If you have never been there you must go, and if you
Are ever in Salt Lake City, Utah be sure to go there.
It is a charming little village, 
 Lots of cute little shops . . very unique.
And beautiful gardens and pathways.
We had lunch at Archibald's.
And then we Lingered Longer, and Longer
Not everyone of the Friends could be with us that day.
But, we keep them in our hearts.
Patti, Jeannine, and Caren.
Wow! they are so pretty still.
JoAnn and Vickie
Janice and Molly
We tried to soak in every conversation going 
from one end of the table to the other.
July and Cristie
We strolled the paths and browsed the shops.
In spite of the heat that day. 102 degrees...
 We wanted to be together and just linger a little longer.
But alas, it was time for us to go to our homes.
One last picture with me in it.  
We are the Sweethearts of Yesterday. . 
Our hearts have been knit together
Years, of life's journey have cemented our bond.
To the Sweetheart Friends Yesterday
Our Destiny is Forever.



  1. Oh Karie, how wonderful to meet with your friends that you have had all your life. I don't even know where any of my friends are anymore. once you move away from your home town it's hard to keep track of them. They move, don't call back, etc.
    So glad that you and your lovely friends had a wonderful day.

  2. OH what a blessing that you still get to see each other. That is truly the greatest blessing of all. Life long friends can never be replaced.


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