Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dutch Windmill Shakers

Well, I have to say,  I have been very sick.
Hate to admit it, but the "bug" really got me this time.
Not quite over it yet, but I am feeling much better.
Just to show I am still alive and still blogging,
I wanted to share a cute little  Salt and Pepper Shakers
I found these in a local vintage classified ad.
I was more than pleased when I saw them in person.
Are they not the cutest?
You know I collect salt and pepper shakers,
And I keep telling you that I will show you my collection,
And you know that hasn't happened yet!
I just show little bits of them. . .
All of my little collections make me happy.
I only collect things I like. . 
My family and friends are so sweet, they will give me 
Beautiful gifts of the things I collect.
I promise, one day I will blog about my collection of
Salt and Pepper Shakers
But for now, I will share these little cuties I recently found.
I just love them.
I hope you are doing well, and staying warm.
I know some parts of the country are being hit with snow storms again.
My poor little state of Utah needs some of those storms sent our way.
We would sure appreciate your prayers for those of us
Who live in the West. . We would like some of the
Snow to come our way.
Have a Happy Day.
I will be joining these linky parties. . .


  1. So glad you are feeling better. This flu bug is really a bad one this year. Love, love, love your little shakers. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. It sounds like you are on the mend. The shakers are darling.

  3. So sorry you've been sick! Love the S/P shakers. So cute.

  4. Oh, this little dutch girl would love those! They look flawless! What a good find! I hope you are feeling better each day. Let's do some hooking!


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