Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Slow Down ~ Enjoy Life

Thank you for stopping by.
I know that time is precious for everyone
so. . . I am grateful you are spending
a few minutes visiting me and my blog.

Boy, time is zipping by!
I feel like I am on the fast track.

I have to tell myself. . ."life is not a race."
"Slow down.....Enjoy!

My flowers are really starting to come into 
full bloom.  Oh they are lovely.
Speaking of my flowers, 
that brings up what I have been spending all of
my time doing. . . Remember my Yellow Shed?
Well I have been busy painting it.
I can't wait to show you.
I still need to finish the painting the red trim.

Oh my it has about done me in.
It is hot. . . and I have a small window of time
when the Shed is in shade.
And to top things off my air conditioning is not working.

I am telling you I don't do well in heat.
I have fans in about every room.
So painting the Shed, I would come inside
and stand in front of a fan
with a cold wet wash cloth covering my face.

But it is almost finished.
I can hopefully slow down a little
and enjoy my Tiny Yard, and not
feel I am on the fast track.

I hope you are able to enjoy 
the summer and your surroundings.

P.S. AC guy is coming today.

1 comment:

  1. Karie,
    Glad to hear that your air conditioning guy is coming!! I am with you..I do not do well in the heat because of auto immune disease. We have had so much rain!! But hopefully, we may have a dry and not too hot week next week...I can not wait to see your shed all finished. And yes, please take it easy...That is something that I have had to learn to do now that i am not working! Love your sweet flowers too!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment!!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.