Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring~ March~ St. Patrick's Day

What a beautiful day we are here in my neck of the woods.  It is a gorgeous March Sunday.  I know it isn't going to last long.  After all I live in northern Utah and the weather can change hour by hour.  But while the sun is shining I am going to enjoy, enjoy.  I know that SPRING will soon be here.

I thought I would show you a little of my March decorating.  Oh, boy have I slowed down.  I don't decorate like I use to for holidays and special months.  After all this is the month of St. Patrick's Day, and it just so happens my daughter was born on St. Patrick's Day.  

This is my little girl.  


I have three sons and one daughter.  She is number two.  She has an older brother, and two younger brothers.  And yes she is spoiled!  But then so are her three brothers.  Isn't that what children are for to "spoil"  love and cherish.  Sometimes "spoiled" gets confused with "cherished."  The older I get the more blessed I am to have my wonderful children, and their spouses and their children.  I love Family!

Well, I have slowly been doing a few things around the house.  I can't wait to do my spring house cleaning.
I don't do it until later in the month.  We still have a lot of bad weather coming.  After all it is called Spring cleaning.  Oh, dear, I won't show any pictures of my sewing/craft room.  It looks like a mad woman nightmare.  Well, actually it is a mad woman's nightmare.  MINE!  

Instead I will show you some March decorating.  
Of course my little March Precious Moment
sits out for the month.  You know I collect them.
Well, I have slowed down collecting them.  I have quite a 
collection of them though.

I love to decorate this little antique buffet.  It sits on a small wall
in my living room.  It is the first thing you see when you come in my house.
It is just a fun area to change and re-change with season, months or when 
I am just in the mood for the change.
You can see the little Shamrock plate and tea pot.  I have the
cups and saucers also, but decided to just display these.

It comes to be this time of year and I want flowers.  Well, I was in
the grocery store the other day determined to find a pretty bouquet
of "live" flowers. . .Nope! They cost too much. . .so....
when you can't have "live" flowers you have to have
"faux" flowers.  (Fake)
Hey don't judge. . .I like my faux!
And there are just times when you have to stay in your budget.

Well, I hope you are having a little break from the winter weather.
Even if you are not.  You can still enjoy the season.
And remember SPRING is just around the corner.

Have a good Day!



  1. How special that your daughter was born on St. Patrick's day; She is lovely! Spring is going to get here, it just might be a little later than usual, with all the snow we're expecting this week. I was just looking at your sweet little doggies. Love their faces, love their names!

  2. Your daughter is so pretty. MY father was born on St Patrick's Day too. I sure miss him.

    Your decorations look terrific. I did not decorate for St Patty's Day, but I am starting my Easter decorating.

    Have a terrific week.


  3. I like my faux flowers too! I seldom buy flowers in the store. Hope your week is just lovely!

  4. Karie you truly have a wonderul wee pot o gold in your daughter Emily!

    Also, thank you so very much for your warm and heartfelt comments.

    I wanted to let you know that I am nearing the end of my college experience and am currently doing a 7-week internship at a museum as a requirement for graduation. It is an interesting experience to be sure.

    I must admit that I am struggling to try and manage my time and make sure my family's needs are met. Sadly, this leaves little time left for visiting my favorite people in the world and their fabulous blogs. I hope you'll have patience with me. Thankfully, this time won't last forever and I will soon, once again, be able to see all the wonderful things you are doing.

    May glorious weather and lovely flowers put a spring in your step,


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.