Monday, February 8, 2016

Valentine You Hold My Heart

Well hello!  I am happy you found me, and want to see some of the things I have done for this Sweet Little Month of February. . Isn't she a little sweetheart. . A short month but she is packed with lots of goodies.  Of course Valentine's Day is her bright shining, all around, loved holiday.  Wouldn't you say?

The Valentine Shelf
I am still decorating for holidays even after all the children are grown and have children of their own.  I don't know what it is about me, but I just can't resist a little decorating for the small holidays.  Maybe it is because it makes me happy. . Hey! Whatever makes me happy, I want to do.  I really do like Love Valentine's.
No pressures, just pure goodness in my heart.  How could you not love it. . sharing your thoughts of love to those who mean the most to you.  What can I say. . .I like spreading the words of love.

You Hold My Heart!
Hurrah! I finished the chalkboard counted cross stitch. . .My second one. . Not as hard as the first one. I think I am learning some of the tricks of working on black cloth.  I can't help but love it. . .And the adorable frame I found at Michael's (on sale, of course) is perfect for this piece.  What I look at it it makes me Happy.


So, I am just puttering around doing a few little projects.  I am loving doing these chalkboard designs.  I have one going right now, it is for Spring.  I always like to think that February let's us know that Spring is just around the corner.  Today the sun was shining.  Even though there is still 20 inches of snow on the ground.  The sky was a beautiful blue.  So, I know Spring will be coming . . . but I live in Utah, and it has been known to snow on the 4th of July.  Many Easter picnics have been ruined because it was cold and snowy. But at least I have a comfy cozy little home, that makes me happy and I decorate to celebrate whatever the weather is outside.

Oh, goodness, there is that little Terrorists Teddy.  He is always up to something.  And as soon as he sees I have the camera he is right there, photo bombing.  But if I try to get a nice picture of him and his brother little obedient Terrorists, Cash. . .Teddy won't have anything to do with the camera. But, what would my life be like if I didn't have these two little Characters. . my life has always been full of characters, and terrorists.
I hope you are having a delightful month.  Be sure to come back, I have a few more things to show you.  And a real special post about something that I cherish. . .Very old and very unique, it has been in my family for over a hundred years. I can't believe I inherited it. . .Be sure to check back.

Hugs to all

I am joining


  1. Your decorations are very pretty. So glad that you still like doing that. I do to and sometimes no one ever see it. LOL
    Hope all is well with you. I had a wonderful holiday and did a post about all the parties and decoration that I went to and did.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Your needle work is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it on SYC! Jo

  3. Beautiful, Karie. Love your shelf!!

  4. Your home and decorations are so pretty. The needlework is really pretty too. Hope your doing better.

  5. Karie, I am just like you. My kids tease me about all my decorating, but it makes me happy.

    Everything looks so cute at your house. And now, are you moving on to Easter?

    Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!

  6. Karie, I hope we never stop decorating! I know my grands love it. Your décor is just darling. Especially love your chalkboard cross stitch! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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