Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Little Spring in a Drawer

Don't you just love March. . ?
You never know what you are going to get
Sunshine one minute and snow and rain the next. . 
Well, if Mother Nature is going to be contrary
I will bring a little Spring into my home.
Thank goodness for Grocery Store Flowers. . .
A few little jars of flowers in 
Grandma's Sewing Machine Drawer. . 
Daisies in a drawer. . 
Who would have thought. . .
Well, it brings the Spring inside for me.
Oh, I do love March.
How about you what are you doing to
Bring the Spring inside?


  1. Fresh flowers are so cheering! I keep forgetting to buy some though, so I painted some cardboard tulips and glued them to napkin rings. A little color goes a long way.

  2. Lovely flowers! Love sewing machine drawers. I only have one, but would love a couple more. Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm staying inside out of the snow!! And anxiously awaiting the spots of spring bulbs' appearance outdoors! I love the little drawer full of flowers. Happy, indeed!


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