Monday, January 9, 2012


One of my favorite months. . .
I have a lot of things going on in this month
And I rather like it.
It is nice to have a little lighter decor
After all of the December decorations.
Here is a peek of my home in
 Blue is my favorite color
I think of January as Blue.
 Aren't these little song birds the cutest?
You can almost hear their little January song.
I got these last year at a winter sale.
 This is a new little figurine . . .oh, I am a sucker for figurines. .
What is it with me? I just love cutesy things!
 I love decorating with my frame. . .
I change the fabric to match whatever decorating theme I am using
(Or not using).
 The vignette looks fresh and bright to me.
The television armoire is one I found at DI and I painted it.
 My home is very small. . .
And there I times I would like a little more space.
 I have a lot of things and I try to make my home as
Pleasant, warm and inviting as I can.
I will leave you with the little
January Song Birds.
I hope you can hear their sweet song. . .
Please do come back again

I will be linking this to
The Thrifty Grove/Thrifty Thing Friday


  1. Hi Karie! Oh, I love those cute little birds too and you've set up a perfect January vignette!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Love the milk glass you have displayed there. So pretty. I'm stopping by from Show Off Your Cottage Monday.
    Gayle from Behind the Gate


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