While walking my little Zoey today
I noticed an abundance of Dandilions along the way
Seeing them brought back many memories of
My young children bringing me a bouquet of
Dandilions. .
They would be so happy to loving give me
The beautiful flowers they had found.
Children think Dandilions are flowers
And somehow we, myself included, think of them as
Obnixious Weeds. .
I picked a few Dandilions
And I brought them home and put them in little
Old blue Vasaline jars. .
I looked at them through my childish eyes. .
The bright yellow flower head
Is strikingly beautiful, vibrant and eye- catching.
My young children could see the beauty in the
Dandilion, when I was blinded by my thoughts of it
Being a Weed. .
Hmmm, is there a lesson to be learned here?
I suppose there is, just as in most simple moments of life
There is a gentle reminder.
Possibly the lesson is
All God's creations
Have a place in this wonderful world
Sometimes we loose our wonder and imagination.
We can not see the beauty beyond our
Pre-conceived prejudices. . .
I want to have eyes to see
Beyond my own understanding
I want to see
Beautiful Yellow Dandilions
I will be linking to these fabulous blogs
Please visit them. . good things are there
Between Naps On The Porch/Metamorphis Monday