Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Well hello there!
Welcome to October

It is true, I am happy to live in a world that has 
I like this time of year.
I am glad I live in a part of the earth that I get to
experience the changing of seasons.
Oh it is changing all right,
Raining here, temps are dropping.
I actually switched the furnace on.
Ya, it is true! It is changing.

Speaking of changing. . . 
I am still changing and adding things in my home
to reflect the changing season

I really don't meed another fall wreath, 
But Hey!
It was on sale!  70% off. How can I pass it up, 
besides I was up for a challenge.
Oh it was in poor shape.
I think it turned out kind of cute.

I changed The Shelf. . 
I just didn't like my first decorating arrangement.
you can see it Here
I love the amber vase that I recently acquired.
And those two Harvest plates are some of my favorites.
I also wanted a more simple look.
I really like The Shelf all decorated for the season.

My refinished buffet is looking pretty

This is her first Fall decorations.
She has always been fun to decorate,
but with her new brown/white paint re-do
she seems to be even more fun and more beautiful.

Well I have no worries Teddy is on guard!
He actually thinks he owns the neighborhood.

Yes sir, Little Teddy is a diligent guard dog!
He lets me know if someone or something
or whatever it maybe is outside of his window 
or anywhere near his domain.
But he will run like the wind to the protection of
his Mommy (me) if he thinks he might be in "real danger"
Oh my little buddy,Teddy Roosevelt.....
His brother Cash is in the bedroom 
under the bench in his snuggly bed
Teddy is too noisy for Cash!

I hope you are having a wonderful
First October.

1 comment:

  1. Karie,
    I love those pretty plates on your shelf!! You have decorated it in such a charming way!! The wreath is so pretty and I LOVE how your newly refinished buffet looks all decked out for Fall!! Just stunning!! Teddy is darling!! We will make a decision in the Spring if we are going to get another dog..Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.