Monday, September 16, 2019

Fall On The Shelf

Hello my friends.
So glad you stopped by.

Just a short update on fall decorating.

The Amber Vase is one I recently acquired. I love it!
I really like to decorate with the few pieces of Amber I have.

I don't have a mantle, so I decorate my shelf.
My round coffee table and my shelf are always changing.

I use Picmonkey to edit my pictures.  Well, they are changing things.
Now remember I do not like changes. Especially Tech changes.
Once I learn a program, it is hard for me to re-learn.
I was reading another blogger Common Ground and she expressed she was having a hard time with the changes Picmonkey is making/
Well I am telling you I don't like it at all.
I did my editing of theses two photos and I love them.
I have no idea where they saved them on my computer.
Change, that is all there is to life, Change!
I know, I know, it is all the process of life.
I guess I am having a little bit of a hard time 
with changes that are going on in my personal my life.

But I do like the change of decor on my shelf.
So I guess there are some changes I like.

I hope you are having a good day.

The weather is "CHANGING" where I live.

Linking with


  1. Your shelf looks very nice and I agree with you - I really don't like change too! Tech stuff can be hard. We learn to use a program well and then they have to change it! Take three deep breaths. :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Karie,
    I love your sweet Fall vignette on your shelf!! Love that piece of amber glass!! Beautiful!! I edit all my photos using the program on my commuter which is Microsoft Windows. I know every time Windows is upgraded the program changes a bit but usually not too much. I have used it for many years and have no issues with it!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment about my front porch!


I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.