Saturday, December 7, 2019

Christmas Tree 2019

Well as you may know
Christmas this year  is not how I want it to be.

And the Christmas tree I improvised 
was making me even more miserable.

I have got to have some Christmas cheer in my home.
So, Today I re-decorated my tree.

 I feel much better. Not the best tree I have decorated,
but. . . it will do.
My tangled mess is not as overwhelming to me tonight.
This is the most Glorious Time of The Year.
It is when we celebrate the Savior, Jesus Christ's birth.
I want to feel the Spirit of Christmas and
most of that feeling is within my home.

I will enjoy my last Christmas in my little Condo
with my simple decorated tree.

There is no place like home
especially at


1 comment:

I read each comment and I appreciate the time you spend to leave me one. Thank you so much.