I come from a family of Animal lovers. .
Especially Dogs!
I think my husband would have given me up
Before he would give up his dog . . .
He loved All animals,
But we always had a Dog.
I could give you a long list of the names
I still remember them.
(and I miss them, almost as much as I miss him)
My children have inherited the Love of Dogs. .
They all have dogs. .(and some kitties too)
In our family we have, Lucky, Lily, Bo, Annie, Hannah, Bruiser
And an assortment of Hound Dogs with names I can't remember.
But, I am sad to say I don't have a Dog. .
I just enjoy my children's pets. .
I made my son this pillow
Dog Lesson For People
You know Dogs really can teach us some valuable lessons. .
Be Loyal and Faithful
Play Every day
Drink lots of water
Forgive quickly
Avoid biting when a growl will do!
Sit close and listen
Follow your instincts
Give more than you receive
Take Naps
Be a Best Friend
Love Unconditionally.

If you have a little animal friend in your life
Be kind and gentle and good to him or her
They are special little creatures of our Heavenly Father
They truly are our Friends!
I will be linking to. . .
What a nice post...I never owned a pet until about 3 years ago. My husband and I got a little dog to fill our empty nest. She is just like our baby...we love her so much. I agree with every single thing you said! Thank you for linking up to Open House Party. Please try to come back next week!