Well, hello beautiful October day. I hope my friends are all doing well. I have been "under the weather" ( a nice way to say I have been sick). I guess I picked up something that is common this time of year. I certainly hope I am on the mend, because I do not, I repeat, I do not like being sick. Thank goodness before I became sick, I did a little Fall Decorating. I am telling you right now, I have simplified.

I wonder sometimes why I think I have to change some of my decor for the seasons. I guess, it is because I have always done it. And I like a little change every now and then. Oh, when my children were growing up, I decorated and changed all the time. I have plastic bins stored in my basement full of seasonal decorations. This year, I decided it was time to SIMPLIFY. So I went to the bins and chose some of the things I wanted to decorate with this year. Kind of made me sad to see the things I have always used, and they are now stored away and will probably not be used. . . . .until someone other than myself wants them. I know I get a little attached to things. I am a sentimentalist.
I love to decorate this little shelf. I pretend it is a mantle. In my former life I had a mantle, but when you move and life changes, you pretend. . .I really am happy with shelf decorating. It is fun and I enjoy it.
A few of favorites are those cute little "character ghosts". I have said it before, I am surrounded by characters, so why not have a few sitting around the house. For decoration of course. And the little plates, I LOVE. I have tried to find plates like them in the different seasons, and I have not been successful. I don't even remember where I got those adorable plates. I have had them for a long time.
The gallery wall is the focal point in my living room. I am about to change it though. Oh, I will keep it as a gallery wall, but I have another idea for the frames. Just wait and see. I hope it comes together soon.
There you have a full view of the room. Except, of course the wall behind me. Can I just say, I love my little home. It is small compared to my other homes, but this is Home to me right now. I have wonderful neighbors, I enjoy the LDS Ward I belong to. I am close to shopping. I am centrally located to all of my children. I am not a person that likes to change (except my decorating). I especially don't like to move my home base. There are many reasons why I have a hard time with change, and I won't get into that here, but I really believe a person needs to "nest". Stay put. . especially when you have children. It is hard for children to be constantly changing where they live. I also believe you need to stay close to family.

I also like decorating my coffee table. There has been a lot of activity around this coffee table. One of the favorite spots for my Grand kids to color, and eat snacks. Hey, yes, I am a Grandma that let's them have snacks in the living area. I have never had a spill, besides spills can be cleaned up. Time spent around a little table listening to their chatter, and watching them color their beautiful pictures, are priceless moments. And they go so fast. Soon their world opens wider and wider, and time spent sitting at the little coffee table at Grandma's isn't at the top of their "to do" list. Although they still do come to visit.

Some of my other favorite things are the cute little witches shoes. They are actually salt and pepper shakers! Are they not the cutest things? And my little October Precious Moments. I have collected Precious Moments for a long, long time. I have each month that my children's birthdays are in. October is my son Mark's, birthday month. So of course little October Precious Moment is sitting out. And the amber footed bowl is so pretty. I got it a few years ago, It is such a lovely piece of glass. I like amber colored glass. I know it is not quite as popular as other colors, but for me I love it. Amber is so warm and cozy to me.

I changed this wall a little. I moved the black buffet that my great-Aunt gave me, and put my little yellow bookshelf on this wall. This bookshelf was in my craft room. (Which happens to be in transition right now). I have had a little bit of hard time having the yellow in my living room. It seems too bright to me. With the black framed LDS Salt Lake Temple picture, the yellow just seems to much. But, I have to say after decorating with some of my Fall decorations, I like it better. But. . . I still think there will be a painting job in a few weeks to change the color of the bookshelf. I can't believe I make so much work for myself.

Last but never least. . .these little Character Terrorists have photo bombed just about every photo I have taken for this post. I had to crop them out of several. They are such little sweethearts, and I don't know what I would do without them. But they are just like my little human sweethearts, they are Characters. I have told you I am surrounded by Characters! Teddy and Cash are no different from the children, and the grands, they are Characters, overflowing with personality. To tell you the truth, at times they terrorize me. Like right now, I am on the computer putting together this post, and they are wanting my attention. Therefore they are getting into a lot of trouble. A few months ago I went back to work part-time. Just four hours a day. Oh, the Terrorists are not happy about that. Momma, is not home for them. The first few weeks little Teddy, the main Terrorists was very naughty. He had to go to time out several times. Teddy's is the character, Cash is more mellow and obedient. But not my Ted!
So there you have my Fall Decor for the living room.
I will show you the kitchen hutch in a few days.
I hope you are happy and enjoying some
beautiful October weather where you live.
Be sure to come back.
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I am going to join some linking parties